Sunday, October 11, 2009


The Great Depression was a modest time for most Americans. The flamboyant excess of the roaring 20s seemed outgrown as adolescence, and with dust bowels and breadlines, and a war boiling up in Europe, it was just time to roll up sleeves, tighten belts, and get down to the business of getting by in hard times. Still, it was a golden era for Hollywood as folks projected their dreams and hopes onto the silver screen. And they still made time to go to the beach. And some found ways to enjoy first dates. Boys would could still borrow a car and put a few gallons of gasoline into it could still take girls with curls, curves, and dimples on dates. It was Prohibition, then, and hard to get alcohol. And condoms were not as easy to buy at any connivence store, but you could still buy them. And well, the laws of attraction still worked the same as they have in any generation.

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