Sunday, September 26, 2010

Abandoned Car

We were hiking in Arizona when we found an old red car abandoned in an arroyo. The dry Arizona desert has a way of preserving old cars--so arid, there is little rust or rot. It was faded by the sun, even in the shade. 

It's not totally uncommon to come across old cars in the desert. People run out of gas, or break down, or are maybe feeing the law. The desert has a lot of secrets and keeps them well. 

It's sort of exciting to find an abandoned car. There's a thrill of mystery and adventure, and maybe even a little danger. We loved the red car. She said if it ran, it should be ours and we could drive it to Mexico.

We stopped in the heat of the day for a break to let the sun go down some and cool a bit before heading back. It was probably 90 degrees even in the shade. She stripped naked, and sat on the car. I took a few snapshots to document our discovery. Then we made love with her on the hood of the car and me standing.

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