Friday, February 14, 2014

American Apparel, See-Thru BodySuit

As a 100% non-commercial blog, we don't endorse any product or company. However, we have been inspired to give props this Valentine's Day to American Apparel.

First, because they made the bold move to put pubic hair and colored-nipples on their window mannequins in their store in Manhattan's Lower East Side. And secondly, this image below. It's right off their website. Unashamed, unappolgetic. A model with nipples and pubic hair. And, we might add, not a lot of makeup, bleached hair, or fake breasts. Compared to a retailer like Victoria Secret, for example, I'll take this any day.

Added bonus: for Valentine's, she's shaped her pubes into a heart. So cute, so sexy.

Can one image on a retailer's website change the negative body image and shaming of natural women's bodies in American society today? No.

Is it a step in the right direction that no other major retailers have dared to take? Absolutely.

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