Thursday, May 14, 2009


I was at the beach and had been drinking with all my friends. After a few hours, I really had to pee, and the only option were to wade waist-deep into the chilly Pacific (burrr), or find a nook in the cliffs. So I excused myself and started off down the beach. It wasn't too crowded, but finding a deep enough break in the cliffs to totally duck out of sight was proving harder than I'd imagined. I kept glancing to the ocean, debating whether the pain of the icy ocean was less than the growing pain of my bladder. But I pressed on. After what seemed like a mile, I found a nice break in the rocks. I was so happy, until I realized someone else had found this private space.

To my surprise, a couple had slipped off to this nook in the rocks, stripped off their swimsuits, and were going at it. The woman was riding the man, her knees up in the narrow space between the rocks. She was bouncing up and down on his cock, her back to me. Bad as I had to pee, I couldn't help but watch. I was so aroused, suddenly my body forgot I had to pee. I watched, transfixed, as long as I could.

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