Sunday, May 03, 2009


Sarah, Rachel, and Laura liked to swim after school at Rachel's parents' house. They were rich and lived on the West Hill. They had a huge house and Rachel even had her own bathroom attached to her bedroom. After swimming they would back up to Rachel's room. They needed to wash off the chlorine, and waiting through three showers was silly. So they all got in at the same time. They showered in front of each other in gym at the JCC, so it wasn't a big deal. They'd seen each other's bodies before. In fact, that's how the shaving trend started. The shower at Rachel's house was no different, just a little more compact.

And besides, they didn't have to worry about boys spying on them.  They'd heard a rumor that the boys had discovered how to climb up into the pipe access and maybe, or maybe not, had a vantage point into the women's locker room. At Rachel's they felt safe. What they didn't know was that Rachel's little brother Josh had watched their comings and goings and had prepared in advance by hiding in the linen closet.

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