Thursday, November 01, 2012

Viva Frida!

This Day of the Dead, I will remember Frida. Alive in life. Alive in death. She brought beauty from pain, and expressed in her art and in her loving the unquenchable flame of passion.


Anonymous said...

The last two photos are well-known photoshopped fakes of Frida Kahlo.

Annie O said...

Si, verdad.
I actually don't know which ones are clever photoshop fakes. I kind of assumed all of them.

However, I do know that there are some real photos of Frida, topless. I saw several lovely ones at a major exhibition of Kahlo's work at the Walker Museum in Minneapolis.

If you find them, please do send us a link or a submission and we'll be happy to post.

We love Frida. And hope her memory lives forever!