Carl and Deb had been married a long time--since high school. Carl was in construction, the electric trade, but the economy had been tough the last couple years. When he finally got a sub-contract at a new housing development, he took it. It was long hours, but he was glad for the work. The long days left him away from Deb, working a lot on his own. He had to get the entire house wired for the finish crew--he had to have all the wires in before the dry wall crew came to hang the sheet rock and tape and mud, and the cabinet makers to install, and such. He worked overtime alone.
Deb would come with his dinner. Taking a short break, they started thinking about something fun to do. After so many years of marriage, their bedroom sex life was pretty dull. Carl was always so tired, and so stressed about getting fired. But on site, he still had energy, and Deb was renewed with the thrill of doing it on the construction site liked they did when they were first married.
Deb was snooping around while Carl ate, when she found a hole cut into wall where the electric was going to go. She saw Carl on the other side, and motioned for him to come over. It didn't take Carl long to realize what she had in mind. He dropped his pants and pushed his cock through to her waiting mouth.
They were having a good time when the finishing crew showed up. The foreman hadn't warned Carl that he'd sent the crew in early to try to push the schedule. The crew stood in disbelief, seeing Carl on one side of the wall and Deb on her knees on the other side.
Jim, the leader of the crew was not amused. The foreman had stern words about the electric taking too long, and falling behind schedule could get them all fired. There were plenty of unemployed in the construction trade ready to take their jobs. Carl knew that he could be fired on the spot if Jim reported him. Deb seemed to pick up on the tension, too. She could see the look on Jim's face, and the worry on Carl's.
"I'm here to help things along," said Deb. Carl had pulled out and hitched up his pants. Jim looked at Deb and then at the hole in the wall. He face relaxed and he smiled.
"Oh, you're on the crew then," he said. "Well that's different."
Deb returned his smile and staring at the bulge in his Carhartts, gestured him behind the wall. Soon Jim's cock was wagging through the hole and Deb took it up. She sucked him hard and fast and he came like a man who had needed to cum for months. Before she could wipe her mouth, another cock was inserted. She finished off each of the crew in turn. Some would work while she worked. She could hear the hammers and saws and heavy boots clomping around the job site. The smell of plaster and sawdust and adhesive was a real turn on.
That night, both Carl and Deb returned home exhausted, but so aroused by the turn of events, they made love in bed like they had when they were first married. Carl had overheard the crew bragging about Deb giving the best head they'd ever gotten and had made comments that Carl was the luckiest son-of-a-bitch on the crew. Carl had always found Deb attractive, but hearing it from the workers reinforced it. He felt like his wife was the hottest thing ever and that he was, indeed, a lucky son-of-a-bitch.
The next night they returned, and noticed the crew had drawn all over the wall. It'd soon be mudded and painted over, but the comments proved how excited the men had become for their own job-site glory hole.
Deb stripped and took her position. She serviced the crew again in turn. The morale had definitely improved and work picked up. They finished two days ahead of schedule and were all given small bonuses by the foreman. The foreman never knew exactly what had turned the crew around, or why they smiled so much when collecting their final paychecks. He noticed that they were al very loyal to Carl, and had nothing but good things to say about his work. So the foreman decided he'd hire Carl again for the next big project.