Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
We had a break, and she thought we should go see her parents in Madison. I would have rather stayed in Minneapolis, where we could have our privacy and a lot of sex. We couldn't have sex at her folks house, obviously. I stayed in the guest room. already after the first hour of driving, we were already sexually frustrated.
After the second hour of driving, when she said that she was frustrated and bored, I said, "Well, you know what to do."
"Right here, right now?" she asked.
"We're stuck in the car for another hour," I said. "Might as well."
We had a break, and she thought we should go see her parents in Madison. I would have rather stayed in Minneapolis, where we could have our privacy and a lot of sex. We couldn't have sex at her folks house, obviously. I stayed in the guest room. already after the first hour of driving, we were already sexually frustrated.
After the second hour of driving, when she said that she was frustrated and bored, I said, "Well, you know what to do."
"Right here, right now?" she asked.
"We're stuck in the car for another hour," I said. "Might as well."

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Well, we had one last week of summer weather, and the choice was to do house chores or pack a blanket and head to the local nude beach. We grabbed some books and a couple beers. I slipped in the camera. Toward the end of summer, it was sunny, but the blue sky had become paler, the breeze just a but nippier. Still, the sun felt good on bare skin. We stripped and relaxed. I pulled out the camera to snap a quick photo. We didn't want to have the camera out too long and make the other visitors uncomfortable, but my wife let me take one of her, relaxed and fully nude. I really think she's prettiest nude outdoors, like it's totally natural and free.
Well, we had one last week of summer weather, and the choice was to do house chores or pack a blanket and head to the local nude beach. We grabbed some books and a couple beers. I slipped in the camera. Toward the end of summer, it was sunny, but the blue sky had become paler, the breeze just a but nippier. Still, the sun felt good on bare skin. We stripped and relaxed. I pulled out the camera to snap a quick photo. We didn't want to have the camera out too long and make the other visitors uncomfortable, but my wife let me take one of her, relaxed and fully nude. I really think she's prettiest nude outdoors, like it's totally natural and free.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My first semester of college, we had to sign up for a freshman orientation adventure. Some picked community service projects, some picked bike rides, and some picked touring wine country. I signed up for the one with 'hot springs' in the description.
It was a 5-day backpack at the top of the Colorado Rockies. We spent the first days scaling apline ridges, dropping into glacial basins with sky-blue lakes, and climbing back to 1300' saddles. The lakes were too cold to swim in. A few of the girls got brave, took off their pants, and waded knee-deep. They splashed themselves to bathe, and then dashed back to shore, shivering, lips blue.
By the end of four days, we'd swung back almost full-circle to our start point, dropping back to the forested valleys. Along one of the creeks was our promised hot springs. We were so sore, tired, and stinky when we finally reached them, we all stripped naked and ran in. All modesty dissolved like the grim of our wool socks. We soaked and relaxed.
At the time, being in that place, with students who had been strangers, but had become familiar from the days of hiking, eating, living together in the small tents, none of us looked at each other romantically or erotically. We were trail-mates, and that was its own type of relationship. Bodies were natural and normal, and the water felt perfect. Looking back now, I wonder how I didn't see how lucky I was.

skinny dipping,
true stories
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Marge Simpson, the wife of Homer Simpson, has appeared nude on the cover of November's Playboy to mark the 20th anniversary of the show. The famous blue-haired housewife became the first cartoon character to appear in the adult magazine. Inside, she features in a three-page spread including a centrefold pullout, and there is an interview entitled "The Devil in Marge Simpson."
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said that the sassy shots, which show Bart, Lisa and Maggie's mother in various states of undress, were taken by her husband Homer. The move came as the team behind the cartoon, America's longest-running American sitcom, celebrated the eve of its 20th birthday in California.
Al Jean, executive producer, joked: "I talked to Marge today. She's a little embarrassed. She wanted people to know the photo is Photoshopped. It's really the body of Wilma Flintstone."
The soon to become iconic cover of Marge is actually a tribute to an older Playboy cover from 1971.
The images are pretty funny, including the classic centerfold stats. In one shot, Marge wears skimpy negligée and offers up a plate of doughnuts. What else could one say but, "ummmm, baby...."

Playboy founder Hugh Hefner said that the sassy shots, which show Bart, Lisa and Maggie's mother in various states of undress, were taken by her husband Homer. The move came as the team behind the cartoon, America's longest-running American sitcom, celebrated the eve of its 20th birthday in California.

The soon to become iconic cover of Marge is actually a tribute to an older Playboy cover from 1971.
The images are pretty funny, including the classic centerfold stats. In one shot, Marge wears skimpy negligée and offers up a plate of doughnuts. What else could one say but, "ummmm, baby...."

Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
We've been married for several years, and sex just gets better and better. Totally comfortable with each other, we are free to discover what really turns us on.
She loves it when wake up hard and ready to come. I take the lube from our night stand and touch myself. She takes some lube and wets her finger. She wiggles it into my ass as I stroke. As she matches my rhythm, I explode onto her breasts. She loves it, and I do, too.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Vacations were always a turn-on, so they decided why not go to a nude beach? They had heard of one in Florida, which seemed like a warm destination.
John and Allie loved seeing so many other couples, totally comfortable being nude. Many were much older, in their 40s and even 50s. Allie pointed out that everyone seemed to be totally shaved. Being silly, she suggested that, "when in Rome," they shave, too. In swimsuit season, Allie shaved her bikini line and sometimes trimmed up her bush, but in winter months, she let it grow long and natural. John sometimes trimmed up, but had never shaved. He'd never seen Allie totally shaved bare, and the thought turned him on. Why not, he said. If she'd let him shave her, he'd let her shave him.
That morning in the motel, John had Allie sit on the side of the tub. He took scissors and began to snip away her curls. When He had a small pile of her soft hair trimmed off, he lathered up Allie.
Carefully, he began to move the razor over her stubble, scraping away the course hairs.
She was patient with him as he cautiously maneuvered the razor, careful not to nick her. It was thrilling to see the fresh skin appear with each pass. Allie was growing wet with the attention. Next, it was her turn, and she lathered and shaved John.
The sensation was new, and ticklish as John put on his swim trunks. The skin that had been shaded by hair seemed extra pale. And it was extra sensitive. They dressed and headed for the beach.
When they arrived, they wandered down the beach until they were a good distance from the crowds. They couldn't help but check out each other's new, bare look. They swam and relaxed. Allie lay her head on John's thighs. At a distance from the crowd, they let their hands slip over to each other's bodies, exploring for the first time the sensation of freshly-shaved skin. Being so exposed to the sun, sky, ocean made Allie feel alive and brave. Reaching over and slipping his finger's into Allie's smooth folds turned John on. They couldn't really fool around on the public beach, but they both knew what they'd do back at the motel room. Allie kept a lookout.
A couple slowly approached from the distance, and they stopped. John rolled over to hide his erection, and Allie lay back, her head on his legs, her knees raised and the breeze off the ocean tickling her fresh skin. The couple, maybe in their mid 40s, passed and nodded to them. They were both shaved bare and tan. Allie and John nodded back.
Vacations were always a turn-on, so they decided why not go to a nude beach? They had heard of one in Florida, which seemed like a warm destination.
John and Allie loved seeing so many other couples, totally comfortable being nude. Many were much older, in their 40s and even 50s. Allie pointed out that everyone seemed to be totally shaved. Being silly, she suggested that, "when in Rome," they shave, too. In swimsuit season, Allie shaved her bikini line and sometimes trimmed up her bush, but in winter months, she let it grow long and natural. John sometimes trimmed up, but had never shaved. He'd never seen Allie totally shaved bare, and the thought turned him on. Why not, he said. If she'd let him shave her, he'd let her shave him.

She was patient with him as he cautiously maneuvered the razor, careful not to nick her. It was thrilling to see the fresh skin appear with each pass. Allie was growing wet with the attention. Next, it was her turn, and she lathered and shaved John.

The sensation was new, and ticklish as John put on his swim trunks. The skin that had been shaded by hair seemed extra pale. And it was extra sensitive. They dressed and headed for the beach.
When they arrived, they wandered down the beach until they were a good distance from the crowds. They couldn't help but check out each other's new, bare look. They swam and relaxed. Allie lay her head on John's thighs. At a distance from the crowd, they let their hands slip over to each other's bodies, exploring for the first time the sensation of freshly-shaved skin. Being so exposed to the sun, sky, ocean made Allie feel alive and brave. Reaching over and slipping his finger's into Allie's smooth folds turned John on. They couldn't really fool around on the public beach, but they both knew what they'd do back at the motel room. Allie kept a lookout.
A couple slowly approached from the distance, and they stopped. John rolled over to hide his erection, and Allie lay back, her head on his legs, her knees raised and the breeze off the ocean tickling her fresh skin. The couple, maybe in their mid 40s, passed and nodded to them. They were both shaved bare and tan. Allie and John nodded back.

nude beach,
true stories
Monday, October 19, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Lynda and Carol lived in the same suburb of St. Paul in the 70s. Neither of them worked, and many afternoons, after sending the kids off to school and finishing the house chores, they'd get together to watch TV or visit. It was such a regular thing that Carol didn't event think to knock one day. As she entered the house and called for Lynda, she heard a noise in the living room. Going toward it, she met Lynda, buck naked and out of breath. "I was just in the shower," said Lynda. But she wasn't wet at all. Carol's eye caught the toy on the couch. Without thinking she reached for it, "oh you have one of these--" she was saying when she suddenly realized the rubber penis was warm and slick. She looked at Lynda, and Lynda's face blushed with embarrassment.
Carol apologized and told her it wasn't a big deal at all; in fact, she was jealous because she had heard of dildos, but had never worked up the courage to buy one for herself. She wasn't even sure where to buy one, other than the seedy XXX shops with the 25-cent peep shows. Lynda relaxed as Carol, clearly not offended, sat down on the couch and lit a cigarette. "Got anything to drink around here," asked Carol.
Lynda snapped into hostess mode, not really realizing, or caring, that she was still in the buff. She returned with a tray for cocktails.
The women mixed several drinks, smoked, and talked about sex and sex toys. Carol explained that she'd been looking though one of her husband's girlie magazines and had seen an ad in the back for marital aids. Always open-minded to enhancing her sex life with her husband, she sent away for the catalog. She now retrieved it from it's hiding place.
She hid it from her husband because when she brought up the idea of bringing a sex toy to bed, he became upset. "One penis not enough for you?" he said, and "why would you want a fake one, when you got the real thing?" Carol couldn't explain it, and didn't want him to feel like she needed a substitution. But part of her did need more.
Carol and her husband had dated in high school, and despite the so-called Sexual Revolution, the Mid-West remained conservative. They weren't prude--her husband had his Penthouse magazines--but sex in their bedroom was also pretty routine and, overall, lacking. That's what led Carol to order the catalog in the first place. Perhaps her husband's refusal to even consider a marital aid is what led her to place her first order.
Carol and Lynda flipped through the catalog, looking at the various items. They had small rocket-shaped vibrators, and larger "massagers" that strapped onto the back of one's hand. They had rubber cocks in all shapes and sizes. It was the first time Lynda had seen anything like it, and with each page she gasped, pointed, and giggled. The women were buzzed with cocktails, laughing, and commiserating about their husbands and their lack of satisfaction in the bedroom.
It was clear that both women had not satisfying sex for a long time and the reason was mostly in their husbands. They traded stories without reservation or censor.
"That one has two heads," said Lynda. "Why on earth for?"
Carol explained that it wasn't for a man and a woman, but for a woman and a woman.
Lynda looked perplexed, but very curious. "Like us," she said. She didn't mean them specifically, but two women in general, but it came out wrong, maybe from the cocktails.
"Yeah, like us," Carol agreed.
Then they fell silent, staring at the catalog as they both realized that they were, in fact, two women--two sexually frustrated women, two best friends, holding the catalog and with one postage stamp, could in fact send off for the very toy.
"That'd be a hoot," said Lynda.
It didn't seem real, more like a fun double-dare they'd do as kids, as they filled out the order form, fetched a stamp and envelop and scribbled out a check.
When the toy did arrive, they unpacked it with delight. It was far larger in real life than they'd expected. It was far larger than Carol's original toy.
They had no idea how to test it. After several cocktails, they undressed. Laying back on each end of the couch, they positioned the toy between them. They slide forward, pushing the toy. It slipped out several times until at last, it was deep inside both women. With some practice, they began to get the hang of it. They'd move their hips, while letting their hands rub and stroke themselves.
It wasn't at all like making love to a man, but it was sexy. Sharing something with her best friend was a powerful experience, and Carol was glad she'd ordered the catalog.
Lynda and Carol lived in the same suburb of St. Paul in the 70s. Neither of them worked, and many afternoons, after sending the kids off to school and finishing the house chores, they'd get together to watch TV or visit. It was such a regular thing that Carol didn't event think to knock one day. As she entered the house and called for Lynda, she heard a noise in the living room. Going toward it, she met Lynda, buck naked and out of breath. "I was just in the shower," said Lynda. But she wasn't wet at all. Carol's eye caught the toy on the couch. Without thinking she reached for it, "oh you have one of these--" she was saying when she suddenly realized the rubber penis was warm and slick. She looked at Lynda, and Lynda's face blushed with embarrassment.
Carol apologized and told her it wasn't a big deal at all; in fact, she was jealous because she had heard of dildos, but had never worked up the courage to buy one for herself. She wasn't even sure where to buy one, other than the seedy XXX shops with the 25-cent peep shows. Lynda relaxed as Carol, clearly not offended, sat down on the couch and lit a cigarette. "Got anything to drink around here," asked Carol.
Lynda snapped into hostess mode, not really realizing, or caring, that she was still in the buff. She returned with a tray for cocktails.
The women mixed several drinks, smoked, and talked about sex and sex toys. Carol explained that she'd been looking though one of her husband's girlie magazines and had seen an ad in the back for marital aids. Always open-minded to enhancing her sex life with her husband, she sent away for the catalog. She now retrieved it from it's hiding place.
She hid it from her husband because when she brought up the idea of bringing a sex toy to bed, he became upset. "One penis not enough for you?" he said, and "why would you want a fake one, when you got the real thing?" Carol couldn't explain it, and didn't want him to feel like she needed a substitution. But part of her did need more.
Carol and her husband had dated in high school, and despite the so-called Sexual Revolution, the Mid-West remained conservative. They weren't prude--her husband had his Penthouse magazines--but sex in their bedroom was also pretty routine and, overall, lacking. That's what led Carol to order the catalog in the first place. Perhaps her husband's refusal to even consider a marital aid is what led her to place her first order.
Carol and Lynda flipped through the catalog, looking at the various items. They had small rocket-shaped vibrators, and larger "massagers" that strapped onto the back of one's hand. They had rubber cocks in all shapes and sizes. It was the first time Lynda had seen anything like it, and with each page she gasped, pointed, and giggled. The women were buzzed with cocktails, laughing, and commiserating about their husbands and their lack of satisfaction in the bedroom.
It was clear that both women had not satisfying sex for a long time and the reason was mostly in their husbands. They traded stories without reservation or censor.
"That one has two heads," said Lynda. "Why on earth for?"
Carol explained that it wasn't for a man and a woman, but for a woman and a woman.
Lynda looked perplexed, but very curious. "Like us," she said. She didn't mean them specifically, but two women in general, but it came out wrong, maybe from the cocktails.
"Yeah, like us," Carol agreed.
Then they fell silent, staring at the catalog as they both realized that they were, in fact, two women--two sexually frustrated women, two best friends, holding the catalog and with one postage stamp, could in fact send off for the very toy.
"That'd be a hoot," said Lynda.
It didn't seem real, more like a fun double-dare they'd do as kids, as they filled out the order form, fetched a stamp and envelop and scribbled out a check.
When the toy did arrive, they unpacked it with delight. It was far larger in real life than they'd expected. It was far larger than Carol's original toy.
They had no idea how to test it. After several cocktails, they undressed. Laying back on each end of the couch, they positioned the toy between them. They slide forward, pushing the toy. It slipped out several times until at last, it was deep inside both women. With some practice, they began to get the hang of it. They'd move their hips, while letting their hands rub and stroke themselves.
It wasn't at all like making love to a man, but it was sexy. Sharing something with her best friend was a powerful experience, and Carol was glad she'd ordered the catalog.

Sunday, October 11, 2009
The Great Depression was a modest time for most Americans. The flamboyant excess of the roaring 20s seemed outgrown as adolescence, and with dust bowels and breadlines, and a war boiling up in Europe, it was just time to roll up sleeves, tighten belts, and get down to the business of getting by in hard times. Still, it was a golden era for Hollywood as folks projected their dreams and hopes onto the silver screen. And they still made time to go to the beach. And some found ways to enjoy first dates. Boys would could still borrow a car and put a few gallons of gasoline into it could still take girls with curls, curves, and dimples on dates. It was Prohibition, then, and hard to get alcohol. And condoms were not as easy to buy at any connivence store, but you could still buy them. And well, the laws of attraction still worked the same as they have in any generation.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
I ran into an old high school girlfriend, Lauren. She was taking her baby for a walk along a path. We stopped to talk.
One doesn't always think of a woman with a young baby as being sexual. Maybe it's just the pure effect of raising a baby through the first year--the no sleeping, the focus on the baby and its needs at all times, and not the needs of the mother. Lauren was radiant, though, and was somehow dressed in a way that made her natural sexiness come out. Her breasts seemed to swell in her sweater. I couldn't help but notice and since we were once lovers, I commented on how well motherhood had affected her chest. She beamed: yes, she said. She loved breast feeding and her motherly breasts. It's sexy, she said. And she showed me.
I ran into an old high school girlfriend, Lauren. She was taking her baby for a walk along a path. We stopped to talk.
One doesn't always think of a woman with a young baby as being sexual. Maybe it's just the pure effect of raising a baby through the first year--the no sleeping, the focus on the baby and its needs at all times, and not the needs of the mother. Lauren was radiant, though, and was somehow dressed in a way that made her natural sexiness come out. Her breasts seemed to swell in her sweater. I couldn't help but notice and since we were once lovers, I commented on how well motherhood had affected her chest. She beamed: yes, she said. She loved breast feeding and her motherly breasts. It's sexy, she said. And she showed me.

true stories,
Friday, October 09, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
A few years ago, the media went crazy when a paparazzi snaps a photo of Lindsay Lohan climbing out of her car and flashing the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Just FYI, Lohan, you're hardly original. The Roaring 20s invented the combination of celebrities, fancy cars, and paparazzi.
A few years ago, the media went crazy when a paparazzi snaps a photo of Lindsay Lohan climbing out of her car and flashing the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Just FYI, Lohan, you're hardly original. The Roaring 20s invented the combination of celebrities, fancy cars, and paparazzi.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Monday, October 05, 2009
For those who think the 1950s were an era of sexual purity, consider this game of musical chairs. Played at a party, the wives sit in the center on chairs. The men, naked, circle the chairs as the music plays. When the music stops, they claim their prize by taking whomever's wife they've stopped at.
For those who think the 1950s were an era of sexual purity, consider this game of musical chairs. Played at a party, the wives sit in the center on chairs. The men, naked, circle the chairs as the music plays. When the music stops, they claim their prize by taking whomever's wife they've stopped at.

Sunday, October 04, 2009
Saturday, October 03, 2009
Friday, October 02, 2009
Ellie had been playing with her toy while giving her husband head when she discovered that the idea of having two cocks fill her at once was a huge turn-on. She wasn't going to go out and cheat on her husband, and fantasying about being with two men and actually doing it are not the same thing. They talked about it openly, and even read some of the craigslist ads together for MF in search of M or M in search of MF. They hadn't actually taken the next step to contacting someone, but they let the fantasy become one of their favorite role-playing scenarios.
They'd read some online postings and pretend that they'd contacted whichever one was the hottest, and that he was coming over. They'd then mess around, her using her favorite gold vibrator to get worked up. Sticking her big rubber dong on the wall, she could back up to it, pretend that she was being taken by their "special guest" while her husband presented her cock for her eager mouth. Bouncing back and forth between his cock and the dildo ramming up her backside, she could close her eyes and imagine herself in a MFM sandwich. She loved her new fantasy.

Ellie had been playing with her toy while giving her husband head when she discovered that the idea of having two cocks fill her at once was a huge turn-on. She wasn't going to go out and cheat on her husband, and fantasying about being with two men and actually doing it are not the same thing. They talked about it openly, and even read some of the craigslist ads together for MF in search of M or M in search of MF. They hadn't actually taken the next step to contacting someone, but they let the fantasy become one of their favorite role-playing scenarios.
They'd read some online postings and pretend that they'd contacted whichever one was the hottest, and that he was coming over. They'd then mess around, her using her favorite gold vibrator to get worked up. Sticking her big rubber dong on the wall, she could back up to it, pretend that she was being taken by their "special guest" while her husband presented her cock for her eager mouth. Bouncing back and forth between his cock and the dildo ramming up her backside, she could close her eyes and imagine herself in a MFM sandwich. She loved her new fantasy.

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