I've had a lot of jobs in my life. Some were real hard, like digging ditches, and bucking hay. Some were real grimy, like washing dishes or laying asphalt. And some were real cushy, like night watchman. Oh that was easy, just bring a sandwich and a magazine. Man, I've worked a lot of odd jobs. But the best job I ever worked was during the time I was a janitor at a community college. That wasn't the best job, but in its own right, it was pretty easy work (emptying a lot of trash cans, mostly), and put me on a campus filled with young, hot woman. You work construction, yeah sometimes you see a pretty lady walk by the job site...but I tell ya, you couldn't walk anywhere on campus without passing dozens and dozens of hotties. I got whiplash every time I turned my head to see another one. But that wasn't the best part.
The best job I ever did was when I saw a flyer posted on the bulletin board in the art department. It was advertising for "life models." Now I'm not exactly a classical beauty, and I might be getting up in my 30s, and a lot beers in the bars after work are starting to catch up, but I been working my whole life manual labor, and I must say, I'm not so bad. Hell, I got a lot more of a manly body than those skinny college boys I see. And also, janitors not exactly high wages, and could use some extra cash.

The gig at a condo, just a block off campus. Three young art students lived there, and they were smokin hot. I don't know what I was thinking when I signed up, I figured maybe a big class, or I don't know. I wasn't really expecting only chicks, and such good looking ones. Normally I'm not shy about nothin. I don't get embarrassed. But it hit me when I stood up on the model stand wearing just a bathrobe. I looked down and saw the three hot chicks looking up at me, and I was just grinning like an idiot to hide how nervous I was. It was hot as hell that day. Maybe 90 outside, and about 100 inside. The chicks were wearing skimpy summer clothes. I thought for sure I'd pop a woody right there.

So I drop my robe and they start drawing. I feel there eyes on me. They were really concentrating on their work, but I felt like they were also paying extra attention to my body. Like I said, I may not be exactly an Olympic athlete, but I got a manly bod, with lots of muscles, and a thick member. The more I felt their eyes checking me out, the more my cock began to grow. It started to do that twitch thing, when it's just getting hard on its own. The girls seemed to notice, which made them stare even more, which made me even harder.

I didn't know what to say or do. There I was standing above three hot college girls, as they watched my cock get semi-erect. Finally one stood up and came over to me. She said she needed to make a slight adjustment, and took my cock into her hand.
Man that felt good, and my body quickly responded. I got dizzy and reached my arms up to brace myself as she gave my cock a few strokes. "Much better," she said.

They kept drawing until I'd start to get soft, then each take turn stroking me back to hardness. The brunette had started it, then the Asian one. I tell you, I felt my balls getting fuller and fuller. Last up was the blonde. Man, she was the hottest one of the group, if that was even possible. They were also damn fine. When the brunette had stroked me, she'd kinda stood at a distance, but the blonde leaned right in, as if inspecting me closely. She up at me as she felt me grow hard in her hand and smiled. I just about shot my wad right there. The other two seemed real interested in what she was about to do and stopped drawing.
The blonde explained that the roommates really appreciated my help. They needed at least one "life" drawing for their final portfolio to get art credit. They'd all missed the class with the life model (they didn't say why, maybe partying too much, hungover, or something), and they just really needed the credit to graduate. The requirement was one male and one female figure. They'd taken turns posing for each other, to get the female form down, but they really needed a male model. Their boyfriends weren't cool with being the model, or maybe they didn't want their boyfriends being a model for their roommates, so they wanted someone they could bring in, no strings attached, and that would be it.

"Was this a requirement," I asked, looking down at my erect cock in her hand.
"No," she said, "but it's fun." She leaned forward and kissed the head of my cock.
"You're like twice the size of my boyfriend," said the brunette.
"Oh, don't even," said the Asian girl. She held up her fingers as you would to indicate about an inch in length. "My boyfriend," she said.
As they complained about their boyfriend's manhood and complimented mine, the blonde continued to slowly stroke me, almost absent-mindedly, as if not focused on trying to get me off, but just feeling my body like a new shape, feeling the length and girth, and weight in her palm.
The others watched with attention. No one them seemed shocked at all, or nervous, or giddy. It's was like they were watching TV. The blonde explained that as college students they didn't have a lot of cash, and wanted to know if they could compensate me for my time another way. She explained that they each had boyfriends, and weren't going to cheat. So sex was out. My heart, which had been steadily pumping in anticipation, sank. I almost became angry, but I was too confused at that second to get pissed. I mean why would they faun over my big cock if they didn't want sex? Were they jut cock teases? Had I just been taken advantage of? Now I was starting to get pissed. "But I can give you an HJ," said the blonde. "That's not sex."
The other girls nodded. "Anything inside you is sex," said the Asian. "Front, back, mouth."
"Yeah, an HJ is just like a backrub," said the brunette.
It wasn't like they were trying to convince me a hand job wasn't sex, it was more like they were all negotiating between themselves what they would allow and what shared story they would all stick to.
At that point I didn't care. The blonde's grip on my cock suddenly locked in and within seconds she was beating me off. I braced my hands against the ceiling beam, as my knees grew weak. Man, she pumped my dick like a girl that had grown up on a dairy.
With my balls already bursting, I shot my load across the wood floor.
Then the blonde handed me my robe and pointed to the bathroom where I'd first changed. Only an hour had passed. I left the condo, stepping into the bright sun. The air was cooler than inside, fresh. I could smell the water of the sprinklers on the campus lawns. I felt pretty damn good about life. One hour work for an HJ, that was pretty good wages, I figured.