Sunday, October 31, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Patricia's Payments
Patricia was a professional in her mid 30s. She had gone to graduate school in mental health and had a job at one of the city's major hospitals. She drove an expensive car, wore well-made clothes, and lived in a vintage Bungalow in a hip part of town. Living alone, though, she often had more house maintenance than she could do, or wanted to do, herself. There was always something--raking leaves, cleaning gutters, fixing the sidewalk where a tree root had cracked the cement. She'd hire someone to do the job for her, usually some younger guy in his 20s, though not always. Sometimes it was whoever she could get for the skill she needed. Usually she could get young studs for the hard labor, but plumbing and electric, those tended to be middle-aged men, usually married with kids. Those were the easiest.
She'd let them do the work, then when it was time to pay them, she'd pour a glass of wine, and tell them she didn't have the money and maybe there was something she could do in lieu of payment.
She often wore tight skirts, or nice low cut dresses that revealed her cleavage. She saw the men check out her chest, and once they did, she knew she had them. She was trained in psychology, so she felt like it was a game, a little practical challenge to get them to agree. Of course, with the married guys it was a snap. The younger guys would hesitate a second if they had girlfriends and if they were already getting it every day. That was part of the thrill and challenge for Patricia.
She had the money to pay them, but it was a nice victory to have a $600 plumbing bill voided. She could treat herself to new shoes or a weekend at the coast. She would always think of it as a challenge of her mind over their weak will. It made her feel powerful and smart. She would never admit that it also made her feel, just for a moment, younger, as if she could stop time. That was power.
She'd let them do the work, then when it was time to pay them, she'd pour a glass of wine, and tell them she didn't have the money and maybe there was something she could do in lieu of payment.
She often wore tight skirts, or nice low cut dresses that revealed her cleavage. She saw the men check out her chest, and once they did, she knew she had them. She was trained in psychology, so she felt like it was a game, a little practical challenge to get them to agree. Of course, with the married guys it was a snap. The younger guys would hesitate a second if they had girlfriends and if they were already getting it every day. That was part of the thrill and challenge for Patricia.
She had the money to pay them, but it was a nice victory to have a $600 plumbing bill voided. She could treat herself to new shoes or a weekend at the coast. She would always think of it as a challenge of her mind over their weak will. It made her feel powerful and smart. She would never admit that it also made her feel, just for a moment, younger, as if she could stop time. That was power.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
What would Smokey Do?
As a girl, she'd grown up hiking in the woods, backpacking, hiking. She'd been told over and over again from Smokey Bear: "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires."
We'd had a campfire, and let it burn all the way down. I took a stick and stirred the ashes. Still, it smoldered. We were backpacking out in the dry country, where the trees aren't Doug Fir, but Ponderosa pine. Water sources were few and far between and we needed to save our water for drinking. It'd get hot in the day and we ran a real risk of dehydration.
So what's a good backcountry girl to do, but pull down her pants do her part to put the campfire all the way out.
I was both shocked and impressed. Bears pee in the woods all the time. So I guess it's exactly what Smokey would do.
We'd had a campfire, and let it burn all the way down. I took a stick and stirred the ashes. Still, it smoldered. We were backpacking out in the dry country, where the trees aren't Doug Fir, but Ponderosa pine. Water sources were few and far between and we needed to save our water for drinking. It'd get hot in the day and we ran a real risk of dehydration.
So what's a good backcountry girl to do, but pull down her pants do her part to put the campfire all the way out.
I was both shocked and impressed. Bears pee in the woods all the time. So I guess it's exactly what Smokey would do.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Ski Bear!
Many a lusty teenager had a famous poster for Bear Valley ski resort (at least in Northern California). It showed an attractive woman (incidentally, the wife of the then-general manager), nude, from the rear, on skis, with a tree branch conveniently covering her derrière.
Ski Bear...get it.... was a quintissential 70s poster, representing the wonderful naive iconoclasm of the age. How lovely. Too bad we don't see posters like this anymore.
Ski Bear...get it.... was a quintissential 70s poster, representing the wonderful naive iconoclasm of the age. How lovely. Too bad we don't see posters like this anymore.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Small but Sexy
This image is small but sexy. She made it with her camera phone, at night, and the light wasn't great, and the camera light on the cel phone wasn't very good, but she wanted to take a sexy photo. Really sexy. And naughty. She had been looking at porn on her computer, bored, lonely, and drinking white wine. She was getting hot and bothered and getting up the courage to post a picture of herself online.
She was worried one of her friends, of worse, a teacher, would see her image. So she wrapped a scarf around her like a bandit.
This was as sexy as she could come up with. Sometimes good things come in little packages.
She was worried one of her friends, of worse, a teacher, would see her image. So she wrapped a scarf around her like a bandit.
This was as sexy as she could come up with. Sometimes good things come in little packages.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Coy Caroline
Caroline was never my girlfriend, though I always wanted her to be. I can't even remember how we met, but it was when I first moved back to Portland. I was renting the upstairs of an old bungalow owned by a burned-out hippie. Upstairs I entertained my artistic friends, filmmakers, painters, indie musicians. Caroline was from Canada on a student Visa, and seemed to have lots of time to hang out, paint, do crafts, and just listen to old records from the thrift stores. She had a boyfriend, who was nice enough, but didn't seem particularly artistic. I was Caroline's "art" friend, part actual friend, and probably just as much, a creative outlet.
I was always flirting with her. And when we went swimming in the summer, I was always checking her out in her bikini. She was pretty as a model, with long, straight red hair, light freckles and a devilish smile. She always kept her mouth closed when she smiled, like the Mona Lisa, because she had one slightly crooked tooth. I thought she was stunning.
No matter how much we'd go swimming, or how many cocktails we'd have, she wasn't going to leave her boyfriend and have the passionate affair with me that I felt we both so deserved.
Finally, I realized that she loved photography and that I could at least appeal to that. I showed her some arty nudes I'd taken of a former girlfriend and she loved them. I casually suggested that she'd made a great model. She grinned coyly, and considered it with saying anything for a while as she flipped through the images. I could tell she was really giving it some thought. Even her forehead was crumpled up. And her lips were trembling a little. It was very cute. As hot as she was, she was also just a really nice girl. Not spoiled or stuck up. She was nice to everyone. Smart, but shy. Pretty and liked being pretty, but never conceited. The kind of girl in high school that was in sports, but also in the French club, and talked exactly the same to the popular kids as the unpopular.
She loved photography, art. She wanted to be part of that world. She had grown up looking at images of models and movie stars. Of course she projected herself into those images. She also wanted to be a rebel, a little, because she'd always been the A student. But she also was scared and shy about herself, and didn't want to admit that as much as she intellectually accepted her A-cup breasts, she really wouldn't have minded being at least a B cup. She wanted to feel and look beautiful and sexy. And, if she was really honest, she actually loved attention.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Double Date
They went on a double date out for drinks and then dancing. Their girlfriends seemed to be getting along really well, and when they got back, things took an unexpected and interesting turn. The guys, encouraged by the flirting and teasing on the dance floor, dared the girls to kiss. They did. They dared them to take off their tops, and they did. They dared them to go farther, and they did. By this point, the girls did their own thing, and all the guys could do was stand back and watch. They grabbed their phones to get a picture because no one would ever believe them.
true stories
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Sarah and Sona
Sarah was in my grad program, so was Sona. Sona had a boyfriend back in Saint Louis. Sarah was from San Francisco and had broken up with her last girlfriend before coming to school and so was single, and into ether boys or girls. Sona was into boys, and specifically her boyfriend, who she planned to marry, but with enough alcohol, she was into whatever felt good at the moment. Sarah liked to invite Sona or me over to her apartment, play records and ply us with cocktails. It worked.
true stories
The Touch
She told her friend that the one thing she'd always wanted to do is feel another woman's nipples touch her own. She imagined it would be the softest, most erotic sensation ever.
Friday, October 22, 2010
On Vacation
The two things she wanted to do on her vacation was to go without clothes and without shaving. Her tan lines began to disappear and her stubble return.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wedding Photog
As a professional wedding photographer, Holly had seen a lot of things. Unfortunately, mostly she saw brides breaking down and throwing tantrums, or puking at receptions from too much to drink. And there was always always always one of the groomsmen hooking up with one of the bridesmaids.
Holly hadn't started as a wedding photographer because she loved weddings. She loved documentary photography. But the fact was, weddings paid. A lot.
She was hired to shoot for an entire day, or late into the night. With powerful memory cards, her DSLR could literally shoot 1000s of images. She captured it all. Often without people even noticing. With long lens and a trained eye and hand, she could snap a telling moment in a split second. That's what they paid her for.
Even when she captured a groomsman feeling up a bridesmaid, somehow it still had the look and feel of her other wedding images, the same as cutting the cake, or exchanging rings. She realized, though very quickly, to never show the client what actually happened at their wedding, but only what they want to remember happening. Weddings are a story we tell ourselves, and we never want the truth to get in the way.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Devine 69
When I first began to explore sexuality with R____, we soon discovered the joy of mutual and simultaneous oral sex. It seemed so beautiful that to call it simply "69" was an insult. Somehow we decided to call it "the position of the gods." Our logic, if you could call it that, was that in Greek mythology the gods were both male and female and all equally powerful. Therefore, we figured that the gods must love a position where the man and woman are equally powerful, influencing and being influenced by the other, just as in all the stories we'd read.
Of course I loved it when our love making became passionate and she'd straddle me, press her wet pussy onto my mouth as she took me, hard, in hers. But I especially liked the slow days, when we'd have no where to go and nothing to do but lay naked together. Sometimes we'd roll toward each other, head to foot, and slowly, gently taste each other. It was so passionate, so intimate. We explored almost everything sexual together. Years have passed and we're no longer together. But I still remember R with love and those slow, tender times sharing together "the position of the gods."
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Audrey's Secret
I remember being so surprised when Audrey told me. We had just begun to get to know each other. We'd been on a couple dates. It was at that point in the relationship where you've gone out together, but but you might not yet say, "We're together."
We were at one of the coffeehouses near campus. A chill place that also served beer. And in the afternoons, when most people were in class, it was a nice time to have a drink and talk. The talk soon turned to sex. Perhaps because we hadn't had any together, and there was that real excitement and anticipation because it seemed we were headed that way.
Not having sex together, we talked about masturbation. Asking each other about having sex alone, was not just flirty verbal foreplay, but a coded way to gage if either of us were really single, or playing the field, or pent up and desperate.
Audrey said that, like college boys, she probably masturbated twice a day. She said she did it in bed, like when she woke up, or before ending her day. Sometimes in the shower before classes, if she wasn't too rushed. And sometimes "just around," she said.
"What do you mean, just around," I asked.
"Oh you know," she said. "Like if I'm in my car and stuck in traffic, instead of getting all pissed off, I just touch myself."
I nodded. "Where else," I asked, curious.
"Well, once I did it on a plane coming home from school. It was pretty late, and I had one of those blankets in my lap, and the movie wasn't that good, so I slipped my hand under the blanket."
I was feeling myself get hard as I tried to imagine Audrey in an airplane flying home from college, rubbing herself in her seat.
"Oh, and in the library, sometimes I need a little study break, you know? My eyes get all blurry, and start reading the same sentence like a hundred times. and I don't want to walk back halfway across campus to the dorms. So I just do it right there."
"What do you mean right there?"
"Well, you know, it's a big library, and the tables are big, and there not very many people there, and I just slip my hand down."
"And no one sees you?"
"I don't think so. I mean really, you know how it always feels like everyone is watching everything you do? It's not really true. Everyone's always in their own world. I've done it with someone studying at the same table. They never had a clue."
I was totally turned on, now picturing her at one of the large oak tables in the library, secretly touching herself underneath it, while her textbooks were open in front of her.
"That's hard to believe they didn't catch on," I said. "I mean, people aren't stupid."
"No," said Audrey. "Not stupid, just usually too much in their own thoughts to really look or care what's going on next to them. Like now."
"Like now what?"
"Like as we've been talking, I've been touching myself."
That was the most shocking thing a woman had ever, and has ever, said to me. I looked at Audrey across the table for some sign. Her faces was calm, same as always. She smiled. She wore a striped dress, and all I could see was her top. I couldn't see her hands, in her lap or what they were doing. There was a student in the booth behind us, but he'd been working on his laptop and I don't think had tuned into our conversation.
"I don't believe you," I said.
"See for yourself," said Audrey and slid back in the booth chair. I glanced under the booth and saw that she did in fact have both hands inside her tights and panties. She was clearly rubbing herself. Now she had her eyes closed and she looked like she was quietly sleeping or just concentrating. I could see her fingers moving faster against the fabric, but she didn't moan or sigh, just sat back in the booth, rubbing herself. I snapped a quick shot with my celphone, trying to capture the moment. I think I got the scene: the table, my beer, the dude behind us. But it's hard to capture just how real and powerful it was to be sitting just inches from Audrey as she rubbed herself. She was fully clothed and if anyone walked by, she could simply close her legs and smooth her dress down. No one would ever know what was going on, unless, like me, they could watch and focus on the small quiver of her lips and how she squeezed her eyes when her orgasm came.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
1950s Housewife
Breaking rules is so much more fun than following them. It's no surprise that the height of cocktail culture was during Prohibition. Modern pornography (as in photographs and films depicting sexual acts) was born in the prudishVictorian Era, and wife swapping and nudism entered the American vernacular in the repressed 1950s.
As Senator McCarthy was trying to call out communists, and as TV and magazines depicted perfect nuclear families, with father knowing best and mom pulling a hot ham from the oven, and the two kids studying at school and playing sports, there was just as much sexual libido as any other generation. Perhaps suppressing it only made it that much more exciting.
As any reader of this blog knows, I'm a huge fan of the flower power hippies and back to earth kids of the late 60s and 70s. Those skinny dippers at Woodstock and beyond really knew how to be natural out in nature, and are all the sexier for it. And while I completely advocate for an open and honest acceptance of human nudity in nature (see my other blog Naked Outdoors), I have to admit that a world without censorship and prudes would be a little dull. Some of the fun of stripping off clothes is the thrill of it being a little "inappropriate."
That's why I find this image so erotically charged. Just her nude body could belong to any era, but with the hairdo and cat-eye glasses, this is clearly the 1950s. She's maybe late 20s, early 30s? For the time period, she's probably a housewife somewhere in a new American suburb. Her husband has a steady 9-5, and in this post-war boom, they own a home. A nice white one-story ranch. And the home has a front yard with a driveway for their new chromed Chevrolet, and a big backyard.
Perhaps when her husband is at work and she's finished the dishes and laundry because she owns new washers and dryers and housework is done by modern machines and not by hand, she has more time for herself and relaxation. Perhaps she takes a towel and paperback novel into her big backyard, and in the sun, lays out, buck naked. It's something neither her mother or her husband would approve of, but that makes it all the more empowering.
Friday, October 15, 2010
The Position
After some effort and a few failed attempts, they found the perfect position. If she lay on her back, she could raise her legs all the way up and back to her ears. Being flexible was no problem, but it was hard to keep her leg up and keep her back arched up. Then they realized all he had to do was straddle her legs. Sitting on them held them back, and also put his cock right above her face. She loved this, because it pinned her to the bed, and made it impossible to move--it was basically a light form of bondage and restraint, but without messing with ropes and chains. Sometimes she loved being in control, but she really loved being taken. The other advantage was that it exposed and opened her backside for easiest entry by their friend. As he lowered himself down to enter her, her husband was afforded a perfect view. He loved to watch his wife being penetrated in the ass. She loved feeling bent in half and getting in the ass--it was deep, but a smooth straight shot, so there was no pain. Being bent over so far meant that the entering penis hit her spot inside. If they timed it all perfectly, she'd cum just as he'd shoot his load in her butt, causing her to cum harder, causing her husband to let go of his load into her open, waiting mouth. Triple satisfaction.
Thursday, October 14, 2010

The words "plot" and "porno" rarely go together, but by today's standards, Debbie Does Dallas is a veritable War and Peace. The premiss: The head cheerleader, Debbie, has the opportunity to join the Texas Cowgirls, if she can raise the travel funds in two short weeks. Her friends all decide to pitch in, and they soon realize that their bodies are their most lucrative assets.
Many feminists would discount the plot as nothing short of endorsing teenage prostitution. Others could argue that the film does not depict exploration, but rather female empowerment, as the girls set their own rules and their own terms. Either way, in the end, it's a porno, and the concept of lecherous old men scoring with innocent (or not so innocent) cheerleaders is one of the most universal fantasies. Debbie Does Dallas shines because it shows the "girl next door" getting it on with everyday shmoes. Debbie is the pretty cheerleader every guy in school dreamed about.
Here's the plot, simple, but still a classic.
(Spoiler Alert.)

Debbie Benton, captain of her high school cheerleading squad, has been accepted to try out for the Texas Cowgirls. Her parents disapprove, though, and refuse to pay the fare to Texas. To help Debbie, her cheerleader friends Lisa, Roberta, Tammy, Pat, and Annie decide to accompany her to Texas. They have two weeks to raise the money.

The girls are getting dressed in the locker room, while Roberta and Pat are in the showers. After all the other girls have left, Rick, Tim and two other guys come in, and begin kissing and caressing them. Roberta takes one of the guys into her mouth, and Pat follows her lead. Next they're having sex on the shower tiles, and at one point, Roberta is going down on one cock, while being pounded by another.
The girls then get to work. Debbie gets a job at a sports store run by a friend of her father, Mr Greenfield. Roberta convinces Mr Hardwick to give her a job at the candle store. Tammy takes a job in the local record store run by Tony. Rikki and Annie agree to wash Mr Bradly's car.
At the sporting goods store, Mr. Greenfield informs Debbie that it's closing time. She reminds him that she's been working for him for three days, that she still hasn't worked in the stockroom yet, and that she really needs the money. He tells her that there are other jobs that can be done which would be much more fun. She asks him what he means by that, and Mr. Greenfield says that she could do him little favors. Starting to sound suspicious, Debbie asks him what kind of favors. After he stammers a bit, he blurts that he'll pay her ten dollars if she'll let him look at her breasts. She's shocked and refuses, as she's a good girl, but he begs and gives her the money in advance. Visibly reluctant, she lifts up her shirt, and he attempts to touch her breasts, prompting her to jerk the shirt down. Mr. Greenfield offers her another ten dollars to let him touch her breasts. She thinks that's going too far, but agrees to let him touch them for a minute. She lifts her shirt again, and he touches them, but she jerks her shirt down again over his hands as he begins to lean close so as to lick her breasts. He offers her another ten dollars to let him suck on them. Debbie asks him if he'll give her twenty dollars to do so. He agrees, and lets her take the money from his pocket as his hands are otherwise occupied. After a moment of him suckling on her breasts, she tells him to stop or she'll tell her mother. Mr. Greenfield backs off.

Realising that the girls will not be able to raise enough money by legitimate means, Debbie convinces the others to engage in sexual activities for more money.
Later, Roberta is at work in the candle store when she gets a phone call from her boyfriend, Tom. She tells him that he's not supposed to call her at work, but gets aroused talking to him, rubbing her breasts. After hanging up, she's still aroused, and so she takes off her shorts and starts to masturbate. She reaches over, and uses one of the large candles. Just as Roberta is getting going, in walks Mrs. Hardwick.

Mrs. Hardwick guides Roberta over to a couch and sits down beside her. She caresses Roberta's body, trying to calm her down and stop her from getting dressed. In walks Mr. Hardwick. Roberta tries to leave, but is tugged down between the two of them. Mr. Hardwick reminds her that he told her that she could earn some extra money with a special job, and begins to undress while his wife starts to caress Roberta between her legs. Mr. Hardwick starts having sex with Roberta while Mrs. Hardwick pulls her own dress aside so that she can masturbate while watching. She also licks at Roberta's breasts and caresses Roberta's pussy as her husband continues to go at it. When Mr. Hardwick achieves climax, Mrs. Hardwick assists him in ejaculating on Roberta's feet and licks it up.
Meanwhile... Rikki and Annie head for Mr. Bradley's house to offer to wash his car. He's not home, so they decide to wash the car anyway, and fool around by spraying and splashing each other while they do. When Mr. Bradley comes home, he asks them what they think they're doing, and brings them inside his house to change into dry clothes. Rikki asks if there's anything else that he wants them to do for him, and while he confirms that there is, he doesn't think they'd know about it. Annie suggests that he'd be surprised at what they know, and Rikki says that they do more than wash cars. He asks whether they'd tell anyone, and they promise that they wouldn't. Finally, Mr. Bradley asks how much it would cost to have them undress in front of him, and they offer to do it for ten dollars. They strip off their wet clothes and then start to head upstairs. He asks them to stop, and offers to pay them twenty-five dollars if they'll let him kiss them all over. They agree, and sit down on a couch. He begins to kiss and caress Annie's breasts, and then moves onto Rikki's, and then moving back to go down on both young muffs. Rikki undoes his pants and starts to suck him off, bringing Annie down to join her in doing so. Mr. Bradley then has anal sex with Annie and pulls out to spray onto her back. Rikki licks it from Annie's back. Just then, he thinks he hears his wife arriving, and Rikki and Annie flee upstairs.

Donna is going to her job at the library, when her boyfriend Tim comes up to her and asks her when he can see her again. She kisses him and asks him to call her later that night, after her other job. In the library, she greets Mr. Biddle, who clearly has a lecherous interest in her. He tells her that he's heard about Teen Services, and asks her how the company's progressing towards their goals. She makes a double entendre about them, and hints that the company has made some new services available. When he asks about them, Donna tells him that this isn't really the place to talk about them. He heads off to the office and asks her to keep an eye on things here. At this point, Tim arrives and begins caressing her very vigorously, telling her that he's going crazy with arousal. She offers to show him what her girlfriends have shown her, and begins performing oral sex on him. After he achieves climax, Mr. Biddle returns and angrily throws Tim out, then orders Donna to accompany him to his office. There, Donna weepingly begs him not to tell her parents, and he agrees to not tell them, but tells her that she needs a good spanking. He bends her over his lap and begins slapping her bottom, interrogating her about the sort of services that Teen Services is providing. She finally tells him that they'll do anything that a client likes, and offers to do the same for him. He wants to pull up her skirt, pull down her panties and spank her bare bottom, and she agrees to let him do so, leaving the question of payment to his discretion. He does what he wanted to do, while she begs him not to hurt her in apparently feigned fear. Later, Donna comes out of the library to meet Tim, telling him that she worked things out with Mr. Biddle.
At the tennis court where Lisa works, Hamilton is playing tennis with his buddy Ashly. He tells his friend about Lisa, describing her as a girl who's up for anything. Lisa brings out towels to them, and Hamilton asks her to bring a clipboard. When she stoops over to pick it up, it's revealed that she's not wearing panties to both of them. Hamilton introduces Lisa to Ashly, and Ashly asks about the sorts of services that Lisa and her friends provide, specifically whether there's anything that they don't do. Lisa answers that anything they don't do, they make up for with enthusiasm. Hamilton asks her to bring them some fresh towels in the locker room. In the next scene, Lisa is in a sauna, seated between a naked Hamilton and Ashly. Hamilton removes her dress, and Lisa does down on him, while Ashly mounts her.
At the sporting goods store, Mr. Greenfield approaches Debbie and begins caressing her, telling her that he's desperate to do more with her. Debbie tells him that the girls promised that they wouldn't spoil themselves for their future husbands, which prompts him to tell her that there are things they can do that wouldn't spoil her. She speculates that maybe one of the other girls would be able to things with him, but he doesn't want any of the other girls. He offers to put up all the money for her trip to Texas, as well as cover whatever expenses for the other girls that haven't already been met. Debbie is ecstatic, but she does wonder what she's supposed to do. Mr. Greenfield tells her that it'll be a surprise.
Lisa answers a phone call from Tammy at the tennis court. She reassures Tammy who seems nervous about something, and then agrees to come down and help her out.
At the book store, Tammy is with Tony, who asks her how their project is going. Tammy tells him that the other girls are doing well, but that she is trailing behind. When he asks her why, she claims that she needs more time. Then Lisa shows up and explains that she's with Teen Services as well, and that she understands Tony is interested in what they have to offer. Lisa makes it clear that he can have anything, and begins kissing him as he sends Tammy to lock up. Tony licks her breasts and removes her skirt, while she takes off his pants and begins blowing him. When Tammy comes back, she hesitates a moment, and then joins in on the cock sucking.
Debbie, dressed in her "Cowgirl" uniform, returns to the sporting goods store. Mr. Greenfield, speaking over a loudspeaker, tells her to lock up and then come up to the mezzanine level. She does so, wondering aloud what the surprise is going to be. He comes out wearing a football uniform. He chases a laughing Debbie around the store. When he finally catches her, he explains that he wanted to be a football player, but he was too small. He's always dreamed of making love to a cheerleader. He kisses her passionately, and begins to undress her by undoing her bra and licking her breasts. Debbie performs oral sex on him, asking him if she's doing it right. She takes his pants down, and he removes her shorts and performs oral sex on her. Mr. Greenfield carries her over to a mat, with Debbie surprised at how strong he is. (He attributes it to eating his Wheaties.) They then have sex in a variety of positions: first in the missionary position, then doggy style, and then with Debbie on top. They finish in the missionary position before Mr Greenfield ejaculates on Debbie. At climax, captions proclaim "Touchdown for Mr. Greenfield" and "Score One for Debbie". Debbie's head lolls in exhaustion, and another caption says, "Next" before credits roll.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The Retreat
In college we went on a retreat out to the desert. Some of the girls decided it would be a good idea to get up in the mornings and greet the sun with yoga. Naked.
It was a beautiful sight. We all had a relaxing week in the desert, hiking and eating and hanging out. It was so hot that once we stripped off our clothes, we really had no reason to put them back on. The sun felt great on our skin. The girls were comfortable in their nudity. No one shaved. Everyone was natural and free to be themselves. It really was a perfect week.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Groomsmen's Gift
According to Anglo-Saxon history, the groom kidnapped his bride in order to get married. The original best man, or the groom's warrior friend, helped the groom fight off other men while "bridesmen" or "bridesknights" made sure the bride arrived safely to the ceremony.
Today, there is still a charged sexual tension between the bride and the close-knit pack of guys. Often, the groom and best man met her at the same time, like at a bar or party in college. In addition to being the best friend and right hand of the groom, the best man gives a toast during the reception, organizes the bachelor party, holds the bride's wedding ring, and witnesses the signing of the marriage certificate. Groomsmen generally serve as ushers, act as chauffeurs for out-of-town guests and help with last minute tasks before and on the wedding day. They are all excited to see their friend get hitched, especially to a hot girl. All of them, at some point, think of how how she looks in her dress, and now how "off the market," she is.
It's traditional for the groom to give a gift to his groomsmen. So as one final hurrah, his new bride stepped in to help. A handjob for every groomsmen. A very Anglo-Saxon wedding.
Today, there is still a charged sexual tension between the bride and the close-knit pack of guys. Often, the groom and best man met her at the same time, like at a bar or party in college. In addition to being the best friend and right hand of the groom, the best man gives a toast during the reception, organizes the bachelor party, holds the bride's wedding ring, and witnesses the signing of the marriage certificate. Groomsmen generally serve as ushers, act as chauffeurs for out-of-town guests and help with last minute tasks before and on the wedding day. They are all excited to see their friend get hitched, especially to a hot girl. All of them, at some point, think of how how she looks in her dress, and now how "off the market," she is.
It's traditional for the groom to give a gift to his groomsmen. So as one final hurrah, his new bride stepped in to help. A handjob for every groomsmen. A very Anglo-Saxon wedding.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Workshop

Yes, it is about a 10-day New Age retreat in Northern California. And yes, it had nudity. Yes, it discusses adult situations--monogamy, marriage, and sexuality. These issues, deeply rooted in our culture and Christianity, cause many viewers to flag this film as offensive, morally corrupt, and self-absorbed. And, to a point, that is part of the beauty of this film.
In The Workshop, individuals who feel lost in their current lives and are seeking some form of guidance turn to silver-haired British guru Paul Lowe. Some viewers may pity them, but filmmaker Jamie Morgan does not. He presents a candid "behind the scenes" to the retreat of which he is both observer and participant. At times he turns the camera on himself (a la Ross McElwee in Sherman's March) but mostly he allows the camera to be a voyeuristic eye, meeting many of the participants of the retreat and following their emotional journey as they attempt to break down their preconceptions, social conditioning, and self-defeating attitudes.
There are both humorous and tender moments. There is self-conscious performance for the camera and also genuine candid human interaction, including jealously, anger, and affection.
Despite the low-rez digital camera, the shots of a couple nude in a swimming pool at night are some of the loveliest in any film since the 1934 classic Tarzan and His Mate.
Do the participants of the workshop find happiness and joy and all the answers they sought--no, not exactly. What they do find is a better appreciation of themselves, and others, for all their beauty and flaws. Taken in the same spirit, this documentary, with its flaws and its truly beautiful moments, is something special.
Saturday, October 09, 2010
Her Time
Saturday mornings, she gets to sleep in. No alarm to snap her out of dreams. No dressing in the dark. The morning light spills in. She's kicked the sheets off, and lays naked on her bed. Her fingers remember her dream and the sensations she felt. Her eyes closed, her fingers know the way.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Last Call
Riding home on the MAX on Friday night, just after the clubs had all closed. Girls out dancing, dressed in their "I'm hot and feeling sexy" outfits. I was going home from working late. The girl was sitting in the seat opposite me. We were the only ones on the train. She swayed to her seat and flopped down, obviously tipsy. Her skirt fell open and she just laughed. She looked at me, not embarrassed in anyway. She was either very drunk, or just really loved attention. I asked if I could take her picture with my cel phone (this is why so small) and she raised her skirt a bit more to not only show more skin but that she wasn't wearing any underwear, and then smiled.
Unfortunately my stop was before hers. I went back home to my wife and she went home to...pass out? A boyfriend? A toy? It was enough to fuel my imagination that night.
Unfortunately my stop was before hers. I went back home to my wife and she went home to...pass out? A boyfriend? A toy? It was enough to fuel my imagination that night.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Hot Betty (Part 3)
So the endless debate: in Gilligan's Island, Ginger vs. Mary Ann, and in the Flintstones, Wilma vs. Betty. In both, I take the not as obviously hot, girl-next-door. The brunette over the fiery redhead. The shy one over the flirt.
Wilma might have been the center of attention, but behind closed doors, Betty has a hidden side just waiting to come out.

Wilma might have been the center of attention, but behind closed doors, Betty has a hidden side just waiting to come out.
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Betty was a hottie. She loved her mail-order lingereie from Fredricks of Hollyrock. |

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Betty had a thing for Fred ever since she met him at Bedrock High |
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Betty wanted to show Fred a few tricks she'd read about. |
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Betty loved Fred's "bone" and she was very skilled at giving "bone jobs." |
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Fred's bone was too large for her bum, but she tried anyway. |
Rough Rider
We hadn't been together for a year. She'd moved to LA. I'd stayed. We'd broken up, but not really formally or officially, just weren't together. When she came back for a visit, she stayed with me and we were soon in bed. We made love fast, and then rested and made love slow. And we made love in the kitchen, and on the couch. And then, when I thought I had been completely drained, she straddled me, her butt to my face, and began to stir my limp penis back to hardness.
All the sex had made my body thicker than usual and my cock large and throbbing. When she held it, she grasped it tightly. The harder she tugged, the better it felt. I wanted it hard. Really hard. She held my balls in her hand and tugged. I bucked my hips up. She knew if she was going to get me to cum again, she'd need to do it hard. So hard. As hard as she could. I didn't hurt, but felt really good. Somehow it was perfect for the mood. She'd never done it this hard before, but it felt exactly right. Her grip was hard and strong. And she talked dirty to me about wanting to squeeze the last load of cum from my balls and how she wanted to watch it. I reached up and tugged on her breast, just before I exploded.
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
College Party
College usually involves a lot of studying, hard work, trying new things, and beer. Not always in that order.
Monday, October 04, 2010
The Quickie
So sexy when it's so fast and hot that he tugs her panties down only half-way off, almost to bind her legs together as he forces into her back. She loves being pinned like this and taken.
Their Playroom
At their first apartment they had two bedrooms. One they used as their bedroom, the other as their play room. It was empty except for an old bed and a closet. Under the bed, they kept a box. It held the collection of gifts they'd exchanged to each other on anniversaries and Valentine's Days: wrist and ankle straps, ropes, nipple clamps, anal beads, vibrators and dildos of various shapes and sizes.
They didn't use or go into the room for anything other than sex. So going in was an extra charge for both of them. It was their playroom, filed with their toys. Sure, they had sex in their own bed, and in the shower, and even in the living room. But when they were going into the playroom, it was for one purpose only: really good kinky sex.
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