Sunday, June 02, 2013

Shaved Vs Natural: An Idiot's Debate

There's a blog I used to check out a lot, Guess Her Muff, which is a playful concept: there's a photo of a  woman, and then you "guess" how she coifs her private parts based on your assumptions about her looks. Then you click on a link to open a photo of her nude. Then you can "rate" her and leave a comment. 

I give the site props for its concept as far as utilizing the Blogspot platform in an interactive way. But I have to say: I stopped looking at it because there was just too much immature, and downright mean and misogynistic comments on the site. 

There seems to be a raving spitting match of vitriol (from men) over whether a woman shaves herself bare, or allows her body to be natural. It is a deeply divided debate. About 40% of the viewers prefer an unshaved or gently trimmed bush, while 60% fall to the totally shaved/Brazilian/or landing strip side.

That ratio seems pretty accurate, I'd say, based on my gut feeling: shaving and close cropping of pubic hair has been more dominant in the last 15 or so years, and with the rise of internet porn in the late '90s through the first decade of the new millennium, the natural look fell out of favor. People called it old school, retro. It seemed to some as outdated as an avocado colored refrigerator or wood paneling on a station wagon. 

As we've posted on this site, the natural look seems to be coming back. It's to be expected: fashion is constantly swinging back and forth on a pendulum. If there's a constant in fashion, it's this fact: the trend must always be shifting; fashion abhors stasis. 

All of that is fine and good. Until some assholes miss the point. Men, alone on their computers at night, shrouded in the invincible protection of anonymity, are free to say whatever hateful things their warped mind can come up with against women. They can insult her breasts, butt, and any other body part. They seem to think that even though they don't have a vagina, they are the experts on them. Some ignorants insist that a woman who doesn't shave like a porn star is some how unclean. There are hundreds of foul comments. Clearly, these men's only interaction with women in via online porn--and maybe strippers. 

If they had any actual relationship with a woman, they'd know that hair and hygiene aren't synonymous. Hair is simply hair. It can be cut, styled, or grown out to its natural state. It's like a guy growing out a beard. Some women like it, some prefer clean shaven. The truth is: most women frankly don't care. 

That may be a let down to some of you men. But get over it. We really don't care. We like you as a person. We like your sense of humor (almost always first on the list), we like intelligence, we like kindness, we like a good listener. Bonus points for good cooks, and guys who follow their passion. We could come up with a list of the top 1,000 things we look for in a man, and at the very very bottom of the list might be (and still that's just a maybe), is how you shave, trim, or let grow your hair.

Why then do so many men not only have such a strong opinion on a woman's hair, but feel entitled to make demands and insults based on their own personal opinion? 

So, long story short: here are some images to prove a point: a sexy woman is a sexy woman--regardless of her body hair. In fact, a sexy woman can be both ways, and every way inbetween. She can go a week without razor, a month, or however the mood grabs her. Natural or bare, it's still the same sexy person. 

Here are some sexy up-close and personal photos from Isabel's first photo shoot and her second. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Debbie's Boyfriend said...

I agree that the comments section on Guess Her Muff has deteriorated. Two years ago I read every comment, because they were witty and sometimes just plain funny. But lately, it's just 14-year-old boys with preconceived notions and misconceptions. That's the difference between that blog and yours, Annie...