Saturday, June 01, 2013

The First Peak of Pubes

Do you remember the first time you ever saw pubic hair?

For me, it was no big deal, but for some of our Dear Readers, it was a defining moment.

I'll start with my story, since I said seeing pubic hair was "no big deal." My parent's weren't hippies of the '60s, but more the "back to the land" generation of the late '70s. When my parents could finally afford some land, they bought a half-acre of woods. My dad bought a chainsaw from Sears, and cleared it for a house, they built with the help of a carpenter friend. They never would have called themselves "nudists" but if the weather was too hot for clothes, they'd be naked.

As a little kid, I'd be naked. It just seemed logical. They didn't have to justify it to me. I would have been the first to strip down and jump in the creek on a 90-degree August afternoon.  They'd take me camping, hiking, and to National Forests. There was often other young couples and families skinny dipping, just hanging out nude. It was no big deal.

So, by the time I hit puberty, I'd already seen dozens and dozens of examples of what the human body looks like on its trajectory from infant to old age. I'd seen naked 9-year-olds and 90-year olds, and everything in-between. I figured: we're all human, so what's the big deal?

Perhaps that's why it seems so fascinating to me, when I hear stories of seeing one's first glimpse of pubic hair.

It seems that for the people who grew up in a household that didn't walk about naked half the time, or go to nude beaches,  there really wasn't any opportunity to see pubic hair. Maybe in a sex ed diagram, or in a porn mag--but those don't really count, because the image of pubic hair is so much less charged than actually seeing the real thing.

I got on this topic because one Dear Reader wrote in with his story of seeing pubes for the first time. He  writes:

I was in high school. My sister was a couple years older than me. She'd just graduated that June. She had a car. I didn't even have a license. So that meant if I wanted to anywhere beyond riding my bike or a bus, I had to bum rides from her. Luckily, she was pretty cool. We got along. I wasn't one of those annoying younger brothers. Her friends thought I was cute. Too young for them to seriously consider dating, but they'd say stuff like: "If you were five years older, I'd date you," or "when you get to college you'll be breaking hearts..." 

So they didn't mind if I tagged along. We lived about an hour's drive to the coast. So, since it was summer, and sunny, my sister and her friends would head to the beach for the day. If they had an open seat, I'd get to join them. I have to admit, I looked forward to having to squeeze into the backseat between two of her friends.

Anyhow, I'd always steal sideways glances at my sister's friends as they sat on their beach towels. Sometimes they'd ask me to run suntan lotion on their backs, and I'd gladly oblige. 

Sometimes they'd lie on their stomachs, and unknot their bikini tops. I loved the sight of their bare backs, glistening with sun lotion and tiny beads of sweat.

Sometimes they'd come out of the ocean--which was always freezing, even in summer--and the pinch of their nipples would be visible against their swimsuits. 

But perhaps the greatest sight I caught, was when one girl, Heather, was sitting near me. Depending on how she sat, I had a pretty direct line of sight between her legs. Her swimsuit covered her, but poking from the edges of the fabric, as if trying to be free, was the thin strands of her pubes. It suddenly clicked when I'd heard my sister and her friends use the term "bikini line."  Heather hadn't shaved hers, or at least hadn't shaved tight enough. The small pubes hinted at her hidden bush beneath her bathing suit.

Luckily, I'd brought mirrored aviator sunglasses. They allowed me to check out Heather, without her being able to catch me staring at her crotch. I'll always remember that day. 

(Do you Have a sexy story of the first time you peeked some pubes? Send it our way: Sexysexblog at gmail.)

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