Tuesday, April 21, 2009


She was a photography student and needed to come up with new ideas. She'd already shot on campus and around her apartment. She needed to have a new assignment by Thursday, and she was starting to stress, until she decided that the one thing she hadn't shot, and ironically had the most access to, was herself. She loaded her camera with black and white film, and knew that she wanted to use the natural light of the window.

She hadn't expected how fun the process would be, and how she surprised even herself as each pose got more inventive and bolder. She found herself in suggestive poses that expressed her natural sexuality.

She was quite pleased with the shoot. She'd take the negatives in on Wednesday to develop and print in the school darkroom. She wasn't sure if she would print each shot, or save some for only herself.

In the end, she knew she had to turn in something for the assignment. So rather than self-censor, or worry about what others would think, she printed her favorite of the series.

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