Friday, July 15, 2011

Old Favorite

He was going through old boxes of papers from his younger life and came across an envelop of long lost love letters and a few faded photos. Was the 90's really that long ago? The 20th Century seemed so modern, and especially at the end, in the 90s. But really, we didn't have internet or computers then--we literally wrote letters by hand and photos were on film. Hard to imagine now.

The good thing about leaving these physical traces, was that he could hold the photo in his hand, and remember the day they took the photo, of his then girlfriend, and how giddy and exciting it was, and how playful she was at that moment, undressing for him. Why were there no more? Why only one image that survived? It was because this was the one photo he used to look at and jerk off to. It was his favorite and at the time, seeing her bent over, her lips exposed, really did it for him. 

Funny, now that he sees it. Now she looks a little hairy. That thought never crossed his mind back then. All girls had hair; no one shaved. She trimmed even, and the fact that he could see her lips exposed was incredibly revealing for the times. Also funny, this was before anal sex had become comon; neither of them had tried it. He didn't even know he could be interested in a woman's anus back then. Had he, this photo would have had another meaning for him. Funny, he never noticed she still had her bra on. And those posters, because she was a French major. And that old bed she'd gotten at the Goodwill that rattled when they had sex. All the details come back. 

He uses the photo to touch himself, for old times sake.

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