Thursday, February 19, 2009


When I was growing up in the late 70s, and 80s, my mom loved to go to women's retreats. They'd be out in the country somewhere, in a camp with plywood cabins and a cook hall that I'm sure was used by Boy Scouts and Church camps part of the year. If they only knew that when they were not using the camp, the generation of moms, like mine, would get together, hang out, and take a break from the pressures of being the "new woman," balancing family and career. What we didn't realize then, as their kids, but understand now, is just how young they were. In my mom's circle of friends, they had all graduated high school, got married, some started college, got married. And by 30, they'd had several years of working, and being mom. No wonder they took to the woods and took off their clothes, swam, and had at least a week to regain some of what they missed in their 20s.

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